Global Work
Leading The Way to Revival in London
Oct 13, 2016

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This month, on the evening of October 24, thousands will be gathered in the London Palladium, arguably the United Kingdom’s most famous theater. There, where the Beatles and other world-renowned artists have graced the stage in years past, Dr. Michael Youssef will be making history as he passionately proclaims the Gospel message—the first evangelistic event of its kind at this iconic venue. 

Revival in London

Dr. Youssef will be making history as he passionately proclaims the Gospel message—the first revival event at this iconic venue.

Dr. Youssef has preached at dozens of evangelistic events around the world, from Kuwait to Indonesia to Egypt, through which thousands have entered into a relationship with the living God. Last October in Australia, Dr. Youssef preached a series of evangelistic messages where more than 200 people made decisions for Christ. Now, almost exactly a year after speaking in Australia, Dr. Youssef will be engaging a similar audience with the Good News of Jesus.

This event could not come at a more opportune time. The U.K. is currently facing a tumultuous political landscape, an uncertain economic future, and growing fear of terrorist attacks. But more important than the political or economic climate is the current spiritual landscape. Even in the West, where we assume most people know the basic history and context of Christianity, many lack a fundamental understanding of the Gospel. According to a recent study, only one out of five U.K. adults believe that Jesus is God, and only one in six professing Christians have attended church and read the Bible in the last month. Please pray that Dr. Youssef’s message would be used by God to awaken all, both believers and non-believers, to the living Christ who calls us all to trust and obey.

Pray with us

  1. For believers to invite friends and neighbors who do not yet know the Lord, and for non-believers to find their way to the event.
  2. For God to speak through Dr. Youssef as he shares a message from God’s Word.
  3. For Christ to be exalted and the Gospel clearly understood.
  4. For the Holy Spirit to move powerfully throughout the event, doing a saving, healing, and redeeming work.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for this incredible opportunity. Lord, prepare hearts to receive the Gospel message at this event. Draw the unsaved to the London Palladium on October 24th. Speak through Dr. Youssef and use this event to lead the lost from death to life in Jesus Christ. I pray that Your Holy Spirit would do a lasting work in the hearts of all who attend—a deep work that forever changes the city of London. Be glorified, O Lord, and have Your way. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.