Searching for Peace: Fashion Icon Hugo Jacomet Shares His Testimony
Jun 2, 2018
hftpc 23


He's known around the world as the Parisian Gentleman—an icon within the European fashion world and an advocate for excellent, hand-crafted apparel. But after years as a celebrity within his field, French fashion expert Hugo Jacomet was searching for something greater.

"I was interested in Hinduism, Buddhism, stuff like that. . . . I [even] found some cults that were interesting . . . but then that was not good enough for me. The common thing I saw in these things was that they were trying to divinize the human. 'You are god and you have to believe in yourself and your potential.' And that was something that [I knew] was not working. . . . All of us, we are sinful, weak, not loyal. That's our nature. And to postulate how man is good, it's just not true," Hugo says. "I tried a lot of different things, but the only thing I ended with [was] confusion. I still had this idea that something bigger was embracing us, but I couldn't find my way—until I met my wife."

"I needed a sense of purpose from my life. And making money, doing films, all of this was not enough for me. I needed something more."


Hugo's wife, Sonya, pushed him to understand that Jesus Christ was more than a prophet—He was the Son of God. Her sister, Sharon, implored Hugo to listen to the sermons of a preacher named Dr. Michael Youssef. And after a long journey of God pursuing his heart, that's exactly what Hugo did. Each day, as he cooked in his kitchen, he listened to Dr. Youssef's sermons—and God radically transformed his life.

"I probably listened to 250 sermons. Everything I could grab from him, I was grabbing from him," Hugo says. "I found series that changed my life. The Twelve Evidences of Faith was one of them. The Master's Manifesto on all of the beatitudes is probably my favorite."

Today, Hugo is on a mission for Christ, desiring to use the platform and influence that the Lord has given him to advance the Kingdom of God.

"In my industry, it's looked upon as a little bit strange to be a Christian, but in my everyday life, with my fellow friends and craftsmen, I minister on a daily basis. I openly say that I am a Christian. I openly say that I pray. And I [have] a few guys already that are intrigued. 'Hugo Jacomet is a Christian? Are you sure? Can you repeat?' Because it's kind of incredible.


"I believe that in Europe, in my country, the guys in the three-piece suits with luxury watches need help," Hugo says. "I feel the call to minister to my community, even if some people will not understand what I say. But I think with the wisdom and knowledge I have, with the reputation that I have, I want to serve. That's what I want to do now.

"I think that all that happened to me during this last five years, with Parisian Gentleman, with my community, with the hundreds and thousands and millions of people who are following me, was for a good reason. . . . I feel blessed to have the opportunity to talk to my fellow friends and to say that God is the way."

For Hugo, the search for meaning is over—but God's purpose for his life has just begun. Please pray for Hugo and his wife, Sonya, as they witness to many who have never heard the Good News.