Global Work
THE KINGDOM SAT: 10 Years Transforming Lives with Truth
Oct 1, 2019

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Sunset in Middle Eastern village

Broadcasting the Gospel of Jesus Christ into hundreds of millions of homes across the Muslim world.


The religion you’ve known since childhood leaves you feeling vulnerable, trapped, and disposable. You’ve felt unsettled for a long time now. You know that if you expressed such thoughts, your world would be turned upside down. You’d be risking the acceptance of everyone you love and even your own life. So you suffer silently.

You want the Truth, but you have no idea how or where to get answers to your questions. You cannot—under any circumstances—ask even your closest friends. Then, one day, while watching TV alone in your home, you come across a channel with programs that talk about the love of God, joy in the Lord, and assurance of salvation. The pastors and scholars share about Jesus in a way that you have never heard before—a way that fills you with hope. And there is a number to call so you can ask more questions. You have discovered THE KINGDOM SAT, and your journey toward Truth can finally begin.



While preaching at a revival in Cairo in 2004, Dr. Michael Youssef encountered an Egyptian believer who had basic questions about the Bible to which he simply couldn’t find answers. Following the conversation, Dr. Youssef became increasingly burdened by the lack of accurate Biblical teaching available in the Middle East.

Then God gave him an idea. What if there was a satellite TV channel that broadcasted the Gospel of Jesus Christ into hundreds of millions of homes across the Muslim world—24 hours a day, 7 days a week? It seemed impossible. But, after years of prayer and seeking the Lord, in 2009 THE KINGDOM SAT began broadcasting the Truth of Christ. “We believed in the God of the impossible, and the impossible became a reality,” says Dr. Youssef.


This year, THE KINGDOM SAT is celebrating 10 years of following the call of God to make disciples, and He has been so faithful. Every day, God is transforming lives as His Gospel reaches into 190 million homes across the Arab world and as He equips our on-the-ground field teams to respond to viewers’ questions via phone, texting apps, and social media.

God is moving in the Middle East. He is resurrecting souls into His Kingdom, and together we—Leading The Way, the 50+ ministries that have broadcast through our channel, and all our partners supporting this mission with prayer and financial support—are blessed to serve as His hands and feet to bring in the harvest, reaching people like this viewer:

“When I interacted with Leading The Way’s follow-up team and heard the Gospel, I experienced a love that doesn’t exist within Islam.” — THE KINGDOM SAT VIEWER

While preaching at a revival in Cairo in 2004, Dr. Michael Youssef encountered an Egyptian believer who had basic questions about the Bible to which he simply couldn’t find answers. Following the conversation, Dr. Youssef became increasingly burdened by the lack of accurate Biblical teaching available in the Middle East.

Then God gave him an idea. What if there was a satellite TV channel that broadcasted the Gospel of Jesus Christ into hundreds of millions of homes across the Muslim world—24 hours a day, 7 days a week? It seemed impossible. But, after years of prayer and seeking the Lord, in 2009 THE KINGDOM SAT began broadcasting the Truth of Christ. “We believed in the God of the impossible, and the impossible became a reality,” says Dr. Youssef.

Do you have a Muslim friend whom you’d like to connect with THE KINGDOM SAT? Direct them to THE KINGDOM SAT online to find answers to their questions about Christianity.


In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), satellite TV is the number one source of information for many homes because:
  1. It is the only uncensored means of communication. 
  2. It is free and easily accessible. 
  3. It is not hampered by high illiteracy rates.
Through your partnership, THE KINGDOM SAT is bringing the hope of Christ in the midst of darkness through a variety of effective strategies, including:

  • Programming that provides the best content from both the West and the East, a unique model that allows viewers access to some of the best Bible teaching in the world. 
  • On-the-ground field teams, who are ready to answer questions, share the Gospel message, lead Bible studies and discipleship programs, pray with viewers, and connect them with local churches—or even serve as the church body for those viewers without access to a local church.
  • Operating from the United States so that the channel has freedom to create sound Christian content that might not be permissible in the MENA region.

Through your support, God is bringing in the harvest!

You can be a part of God’s work of revival in the Middle East. Join us as we expand our ministry and reach more people than ever before.