Christian Living
Dr. Youssef Asks You: "What is your priority in life?"
Jan 4, 2020

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Dr. Youssef asks you: "What is your priority in life?"

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"The more I make the Kingdom of God my sole priority, the more I find that nothing else can distract me."


Jesus' priority was crystal clear. He set His face like a flint toward Jerusalem, toward the cross. His priority was the saving of souls for eternity. While Jesus' disciples were thinking about food, Jesus was concerned with the ripe spiritual harvest (see John 4:27-35). When the disciples were overjoyed that they had power to cast out demons, Jesus encouraged them to instead rejoice in their salvation (see Luke 10:17-20).

Jesus was fully focused on the priority His Father had given Him. So ask yourself, "What is my priority in life?" Don't rest until you get the answer. Then, the next question naturally follows: "Am I focusing on it like a laser beam, or am I getting distracted by extraneous things?"

The older I get, the more focused I am on my audience of one. What will I say when I see Jesus face to face? The more I make the Kingdom of God my sole priority, the more I find that nothing else can distract me. My prayer for you this year is that whatever priority God has placed in your heart, He would not only help you discover it, but make it the focus of your life for His glory.

Watch Dr. Youssef answer your questions.