Christian Living
Our God Is Always at Work
Jul 1, 2021

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God can use even your most seemingly insignificant expressions of faithfulness to transform lives across time and space. He is always sovereignly at work in and through your life. Just consider the following example from history.

In the mid-1800s, there was an ordinary Christian man—Edward Kimball—teaching a small Sunday school class of teenagers in Boston. He faithfully proclaimed the Gospel, even visiting one of the young men at his place of employment to talk about the love of Christ. Shortly after this visit, that young man prayed to receive Christ. That teenager was D. L. Moody, the great American evangelist.

Right now, you may not be able to see how God is using your faithfulness to change lives eternally, but you can trust that He is at work.


On one of Moody's trips to England, he spoke at the stately church pastored by F. B. Meyer. They became great friends, and Moody invited F. B. Meyer to come to the United States to speak to a large group of young men. In that service, J. Wilbur Chapman made a commitment to Christ, and he became a powerful evangelist, leading tens of thousands of people to Christ. One of these new Christ-followers became his traveling companion. His name was Billy Sunday.

Billy Sunday preached in many places, and after preaching in Charlotte, North Carolina, a group of farmers began to cry out to the Lord, "Do something great for Charlotte." Then they said, "No, no, no. Let's pray, 'God, do something great for the world, beginning in Charlotte.'" And they invited an evangelist by the name of Mordecai Hamm to preach there. 

During one of Hamm's services, some teenagers came forward. Among those boys were Billy Graham, Grady Wilson, and T. W. Wilson. The Wilson brothers became administrators of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and Graham preached the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ to live audiences totaling more than 200 million people.

Right now, you may not be able to see how God is using your faithfulness to change lives eternally, but you can trust that He is at work. He has promised that His Word does not return void (see Isaiah 55:11). Your ministry matters, no matter how small. Edward Kimball, an obedient Sunday school teacher, impacted countless generations for Christ by faithfully leading the next generation to know Him. Likewise, whatever your ministry or spiritual gift, you too can be used mightily by God as you share Jesus with those He's put in your path today.

Start your day with God's Word.