Family and Relationships
Authority in Marriage
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Jan 12, 2018
hftpc 23


We go all the way back to the Garden of Eden to see the first marriage in action. Adam was in charge of the garden and given the assignment to name all the animals. God created a helpmate for him—a woman over whom he was to spread his wings of love and protection, a woman to support, nourish, and cherish.

But where was Adam when Eve was tempted? What responsibility did Adam take when God confronted him with his sin? 

The lines of authority have been spelled out since the day of creation.

None, it would appear. Instead of leading, Adam was following. But even more devastating than this, he abdicated his leadership responsibility. The God who searches the depths of our hearts called out to Adam. God didn't say, "Eve, Eve, where are you?" He called Adam even though He knew who did what.

The Scripture says a husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church (see Ephesians 5:25). How does Christ love the church? He gives Himself up for her. God's love is all-sacrificing. There is not a tinge of selfishness. It is willful, determined love. His love for her is not dependent upon His feeling or mood. It is a constant love. His love for her is nourishing, cherishing, sustaining.

There is only one way in which this tall order can be fulfilled. It is through obedience to God and His Word. The lines of authority have been spelled out since the day of creation. The husband is responsible to God, not his wife. The wife is responsible, in the Lord, to her husband. This is God's standard, not man's standard. And when we obey it, we find fulfillment. The result is oneness, peace, and harmony.

Prayer: Father, thank You for demonstrating the way a husband is to love his wife as You love the church. Thank You for the peace and fulfillment that we have when we follow Your standards for marriage. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" (Ephesians 5:25).