Christian Living
Overcoming Obstacles to Obedience
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Jan 6, 2023

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One of the most satisfying rewards of obedience is a clear conscience. When we try to hide our sins, when we live an incongruent life, when we routinely fail the test of obedience, we burn all our energy in fighting guilt and shame. Sin has a way of clamping down on our heart and creating a sense of imprisonment and suffocation.

But when we live in obedience to God, our heart and mind are focused and clear. There is great relief and freedom in living a godly life. Without the emotional baggage of sin weighing us down, we are able to pass the tests that come our way.

When we live in obedience to God, our heart and mind are focused and clear.

The benefits of obedience to God are clear. But one of the first obstacles we face is figuring out what to obey. How well do you know the Word of God? Can you name the Ten Commandments? Can you discern the difference between human traditions and Scriptural principles? To follow God, we need to know His Word, and we need to know God personally.

Before Daniel's capture, he not only studied the Scriptures, but he memorized them. When he was tested spiritually, he could make the right decisions because He knew the laws of God. Daniel was prepared for his test. Did you ever try to take an exam in school without knowing the material? It's easy to fail when we're not prepared. Knowing God's Word is crucial for successfully navigating the tests we face.

Remember—to pass the test, you must prepare for the test.

Prayer: Father, help me to study and memorize Your Word. I want to be prepared for every test of my obedience. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you" (Psalm 119:11).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon series Know Your Bible: LISTEN NOW